After the relief in the form of bail granted by the Bombay High Court, Bollywood macho star Salman Khan is back to shooting for films in full vigor. The actor is currently shooting for Bajarangi Bhaijaan, which will hit the screens in mid July. Today, the star got a surprise offer from none other than the Hollywood action hero Sylvester Stallone.
Being a huge fan of Rambo series and Stallone himself, Salman Khan took to his twitter page and tweeted, Agar kisi ko follow karna hai? Bahar ka... inko follow karo @TheSlyStallone Aapke Hero ka hero Sylvester Stallone. The tweet attracted more than 2200 retweets and the love has been spread until Stallone himself.
The Hollywood star reciprocated with an even more friendly gesture and replied, 'Would like to thank the super talented Indian superstar SALMAN KHAN the Compliment he Tweeted! We should do an ACTION FILM together! Mabye the New EXPENDABLES' Well, it will indeed be an amazing experience if both the macho men join hands for a film. Earlier, Stallone appeared in Akshay Kumar and Kareena Kapoor starrer Khambakht Ishq.
Being a huge fan of Rambo series and Stallone himself, Salman Khan took to his twitter page and tweeted, Agar kisi ko follow karna hai? Bahar ka... inko follow karo @TheSlyStallone Aapke Hero ka hero Sylvester Stallone. The tweet attracted more than 2200 retweets and the love has been spread until Stallone himself.
The Hollywood star reciprocated with an even more friendly gesture and replied, 'Would like to thank the super talented Indian superstar SALMAN KHAN the Compliment he Tweeted! We should do an ACTION FILM together! Mabye the New EXPENDABLES' Well, it will indeed be an amazing experience if both the macho men join hands for a film. Earlier, Stallone appeared in Akshay Kumar and Kareena Kapoor starrer Khambakht Ishq.